What to prepare when ordering a web site development?

In order to receive the best offer possible from the web development company it is essential to prepare the following things, before even contacting the company.

1. Decide what type of web site you want.

Before you approach a web development company, decide what type of web site you want. There are different types of web sites. You can have static, dynamic, e-commerce, blogs, logical platforms, games etc. If you do not not exactly what you need – read the following post: What types of web sites are there?

2. Prepare roughly the content you wish to have on your web site.

When you have prepared a content beforehand, the web developer will be able to tailor your web site according to it. Everything will be in one place and will be be processes quickly. You will save time in communication and this will shorten the time for release.

Your content should be unique. For more information about reasons to have unique content read this post: Reasons to have unique content on your web site.

3. For a specific functionality, think about the logical connection between the modules/systems.

You have an idea about a specific functionality and there isn’t a standard market solution for it. The developer should create it from scratch. Think about how this functionality would interact with the modules/systems of your web site and write it in your functional specification in a way the web developer would understand. That way you will get the best and most accurate offer. Otherwise you risk of getting a higher offer, because neither you, nor the web developer know what is about to be created and everybody likes to get ensured when it comes to prices.

4. Calculate your budget. 

Calculating the exact amount needed for your site is always hard to do. Especially when you haven’t received any offers yet. In order not to waste time in communication with inappropriate-for-you-price-class companies, estimate roughly what money you have for this project. You can read more about this in the following post: How much does a web site cost?

5. Calculate the time needed to release the final web site version.

Calculating the time before you ask for offers is very important. This way you can compare your expectations with the offers you receive. If you want your web site to be developed fast, you may have to pay more money, since a whole team would be working on your project, instead of one person. To calculate well the time follow these steps:

  • Figure out the concept.
  • Calculate the time you need to create the content. This includes texts, images, videos, menus, categories, tags etc.
  • Research how much time will the developers need for their first demo.
  • Set aside some time for testing.
  • Calculate the time for bug fixing, perfecting and finalising.

Your preparation will guide the communication with the web developers. If you have this information beforehand, you will be respected and a pleasure to work with. Additionally, you will save time in explaining what you actually want.