You may be thinking that you use a very safe password, but read the following posst and make sure you really are.
To be secure a password must:
- Be at least 8 characters or more.
- Contains a few of the following elements:
– Uppercase letters.
– Lowercase letters.
– Special symbols.
– Numbers. - Not contain a word that can be found in a dictionary.
- Not contain the username, your name or the name of the company.
- Be significantly different from your previous password.
– Example: If your password was 7f#9cT5$$P, the next one must NOT be 7f#9cT5$$H. It should be more like U->r#oK47haH.
It is recommended that you use a different username and password for every different web site or application. A good case practice that programmers use when saving your password into their database is to crypt your password, so that even the administrators don’t know what is it. But not all web sites are build this way. So there is a chance that a lesser knows web site, that you use, has your data and uses them to access to your primary email (because you have used the same username and password). So once they have access to your primary email they have access to your social network and other registrations. This is not a secure way to protect your data.
If you are worried that you can’t remember that many usernames and passwords – DO NOT store them in a text file on your computer, like a Word document. There are special computer programs (available in mobile apps as well), which are created entirely to safely store such data (addresses, usernames and passwords). Contact us for more information on the matter.