When to send documents in .pdf format?If you send your CV to your future employers in the formats *.doc, *txt, *rtf or…
How to create a wedding invitation web site?The tendency to create a wedding invitation web site grows. Here are some tips on how…
8 reasons to have a mailing listIt is almost mandatory to have a “Sign for our bulletin” option on your website. But…
Keyboard shortcuts (second level)We give you a few keyboard shortcuts, that require just the use of keyboard. They will…
Speed up your web site with Google Page Speed?One of the fine tools, that Google offer is Page Speed Insights, which help to speed up…
Web site support – what is it?Web site support can vary depending on who is doing the support, but there are several…
What is captcha and when to use it?CAPTCHA is an acronym for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. As you can…
Increase your website visitsFor better search engine optimisation and for higher online sales, you should think about how to…
Security with online loveOnline comminication makes us closer and chances for online relationship are become higher. But this raises…